"The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Sharing the Secrets of Natures Success, permaculture is a toolkit for becoming a more effective decision maker and designer. Skill up and become better. Take your design life to the next level.
Creative card deck sharing a collection of permaculture principles, strategies, attitudes, tools & frameworks. 230 cards to support your permaculture practice, learning, teaching, designing and consulting. Serves as a design tool, game and oracle.

Sharing the essence of permaculture design learned by Delvin Solkinson from Bill Mollison, Rosemary Morrow, David Holmgren, Robin Clayfield, Geoff Lawton, Graham Bell, Michael Becker, Toby Hemenway, Larry Santoyo, Susun Weed, Tom Ward, Jude Hobbs, Starhawk & Looby Macnamara.
Additional contributions were inspired by Rob Hopkins, Dave Boehnlein, Max Lindegger, Richard Wallner, Mark Lakeman, Doug Bullock, Andrew Faust, Penny Livingston-Stark, Ian McHarg and P.A. Yeomans.
Core inspiration from Robin Clayfield who helped to vastly upgrade the new edition. Ultimate thanks to permaculture Jedi Larry Santoyo, without him this project would never have happened. Deep gratitude to Looby Macnamara whose visionary creativity inspired this work. Awesome thanks to Graham Bell whose wisdom lights this project up.

Awesome gratitude to our core team: Grace Solkinson, Kym Chi, Dana Wilson, Annaliese Hordern, Tamara Griffiths Special thanks to Jason Gerhardt, Maddy Harland, Wilf Richards, Chris Evans and Aranya for ongoing mentorship and support that unlocked this deck. Grateful to Tamara Griffiths who helped identify many of the principles in early versions of the deck.
This work is the culmination of 20 years of Permaculture Design study by Delvin Solkinson which spanned 13 advanced courses and 13 teacher trainings, a PDC, Diploma and Masters Degree with Bill Mollison, a second Diploma through the Permaculture Institute, a third Diploma through the Permaculture Association with Looby Macnamara, and a Doctorate through the Permaculture Academy and Larry Santoyo. This newest version is a core project in a Post-Doc in Permaculture Education.
Art by Brenna Quinlan Design by Alexa Spaddy Text Design by Sijay James Onbeyond Metamedia
This deck is a companion for the Permaculture Design Notes and Permaculture Design Elements Game. Together they form a toolkit sharing a creative essence of Permaculture Design.